Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sarah's October Blog

The presentation on communication and conflict resolution was very insightful. Pointing out that conflict itself is not necessarily a bad thing is extremely important. Conflicts are going to arise in many situations. The important thing to think about is how you handle them. One of my greatest strengths when it comes to communication is that I am always ready and willing to discuss any problems that arise. My weakness, however, is that I tend to give in to the other person’s side of the discussion in order to alleviate the conflict.  This forces me to sacrifice my opinion in order to reach an agreement. By voicing my opinions more often, and taking a more active role in discussions, I can improve my communication with the members of my Summit team. In order to improve the way I handle conflicts, I need to focus more on compromises that incorporate everyone’s ideas rather than simply giving in and letting everyone else make the decisions. Putting forth my voice and opinions will help me to become a better leader and communicator.

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